Musk’s humanoid Optimus shows progress

Elon Musk has just tweeted about his humanoid robot Optimus. It seems that the android is now capable of locating his own limbs in space and in connection with this, can learn tasks, even in a changing environment. The video in Musk’s tweet shows that the android can sort cubes based on their colors by […]

Improving Stability of Bipedal Robots

When building bipedal robots (robots that walk on 2 legs), ensuring stability is a primary objective. The following strategies are among the most important: 1- First of all, before even considering the rest, we need to make the physical shape and mass distribution as good as possible for a proper, stable stance. This simply means-the […]

Drywall installer Robot

Drywall installer Robot

Japan’s new Humanoid Robot built by the Japanese Japan’s Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Institute is able to install drywall:   Source :

Fedor – Russia’s Robot Astronoaut

Fedor – Russia’s Robot Astronoaut

Fedor is a humanoid robot in development in Russia, which is designed to help astronauts in space. It can turn valves, drive car, use drill, do pushups and a lot more useful tasks such as lifting up to 20 kg, walk, crawl, get into the car all by itself, turn door keys, and use various […]

Robots Learning To Pick Things Up As Babies Do

Robots Learning To Pick Things Up As Babies Do Carnegie Mellon Unleashing Lots of Robots to Push, Poke, Grab Objects                Babies learn about their world by pushing and poking objects, putting them in their mouths and throwing them. Carnegie Mellon University scientists are taking a similar approach to teach robots how to recognize […]

“Kibiro” Personal Robot

UBIC and Vstone to Co-Develop “Kibiro” Personal Robot Capable of Understanding Human Preferences and Sense TOKYO, Nov. 17, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — UBIC, Inc. (NASDAQ:UBIC) (TSE:2158) (“UBIC” or “the Company”), a leading provider of Asian-language eDiscovery solutions and services; Rappa, Inc. (“Rappa”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of UBIC engaged in digital marketing; and Vstone Co., Ltd., […]

Advanced robot hand able to sense

Advanced robot hand able to sense

Almost every year, we see and publish new advancements to robotic prostheses, and this year is no exception. In the video below by darpa, the robot hand is not only controlled by brain, but it is also able to sense things.   Source:

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